I started writing this Bible study/self-reflection/journal prompts a year after an unhealthy relationship ended in my life. I have written about that time in several of my blogs now. This blog has been a space for me to reflect upon what happened during that time. When I first started writing this series on 1 Corinthians 13 I had the impression that God would gift me with a husband in the next year. We are two years after the first time I sat down to write this series - I am single. Though my life doesn’t look like what I thought it would, it is still beautiful. It is beautifully difficult, in ways I never expected for my life.
As I write this series now, I think about what God has done to get me here. I think about how I wish He would do some things differently but I know that he is doing this for my good and His glory. Because that is the kind of God that we get to serve.
Over the past three years I have been striving to be in a place that I could love myself, love others, and love our Father. In 2017, we spent time praying over our future husbands and I learned so much during that time as I was praying for him, I was also seeing change in my own life.
Love is a commandment from the Lord in how we should treat others and ourselves. I didn’t love myself. So I went on a journey to make love happen. Let me tell you, my relationships look different because of it. My hope is that as we go through this study, you will comment on the blog posts to share what the Lord is teaching you. I want to learn how God is stepping into your life to make love happen. If that makes you feel vulnerable, keep a journal! At the end you will look through to see how the Lord worked in you. Let’s do it!
Week One.
Day 1: Read & Reflect
Read in your bible 1 Corinthians 13. As you read through, think about scripture that stood out to you. What is an observation you made? What is an application you can do this week? Spend time in prayer with God. Who can you share with what you learned today?
Day 2: Read & Reflect
The Message version of 1 Corinthians 13. What stuck out to you this time after reading this version of 1 Corinthians 13?
Day 3: Reflect
Why is love important?
Day 4: Reflect
How do you think love functions? How do you see it functioning in your relationships?
Day 5: Reflect
How can you demonstrate faith, hope, and love this weekend?
Week Two.
Day 1:
Read 1 Corinthians 13: 1-3.
Summarize this verse in your own words.
What is a truth that you find in this passage?
What is a command?
What ways have you been loving? What ways have or do you continue to fail at love?
What do these passages teach us about knowledge, faith, and sacrifice?
Ask God to give you direction on what you can do to be a better source of love in your workplace, with your relationships, and with your family.
Day 2:
Read Matthew 22:34-40.
What does Jesus say is our first commandment?
What does Jesus say is our second commandment?
How do you think we should love?
Are you fulfilling your role in loving God?
What is an application you can do today?
Praise the Lord with all of your heart, all of your soul, and all of your mind.
Day 3:
Read Matthew 17:20.
Here Jesus refers to an amazing kind of faith. How does 1 Corinthians 13:2 compare this kind of faith?
What are other examples in the Bible that God moved mountains when it seemed impossible?
How have you seen God move mountains in your life?
Is your faith currently as small as a mustard seed?
How do we grow in our faith?
Pray for something specific that seems like an impossible prayer.
Day 4:
Read 1 John 4:7-21.
What does this passage say about love?
What is the greatest gift God has given to his children?
What does this passage say about who God is?
Based on this passage, if we “hate” another person then we are not fulfilling the commandments. Who do you need to forgive?
Praise God that he is love. Praise Him in prayer.
Seek forgiveness from the Lord for not fulfilling the law of loving someone.
Day 5:
Read Matthew 6:19-34.
What does Jesus tell the rich to do?
What does God say he takes care of in this passage? Why is that important?
Do you believe love is all about sacrifice or is there more? What do you think Jesus believes?
Where is your treasured stored? What changes do you need to make to align your heart with the treasure of God?
Why is it important that God points out serving money verse serving Him?
Thank the Lord for His overflowing love today. Thank Him that His plans are good and He knows you don’t need to worry.
Week Three.
Day 1: Patience
Read 1 Corinthians 13: 4.
Read Isaiah 40:31. When we put our trust in the Lord, what do we gain?
Read James 1:2-4. What about endurance is important as it relates to patience?
Read 2 Peter 3:8-10. How does our impatience compare to God’s perfect timing?
As women, we will have to practice patience with our husbands as they will do the same for us. How do we prepare for this act of love?
In patience, how has God shown you His perfect timing before? Are you willing to wait on God’s perfect timing?
Have there been times in your life that you had to practice self-restraint? What did God teach you during those times? How have you learned to control your impulses?
Pray over areas in your life that you are not practicing patience. How can you God’s perfect timing give you rest?
Day 2: Kindness
Read 1 Corinthians 13: 4 again.
Read Romans 15:1-4. What does this passage reveal about showing kindness?
Read Isaiah 56:6-7. Who are we called to love here? What are some commandments for your own journey?
Read Ephesians 4:31-32. What are our commandments here?
Within our sin we know that it is difficult to constantly show love but we are commanded to be love (see Luke 6:27-36). Love requires us to be genuinely kind to one another without seeking anything in return.
Who do you need to show kindness to this week?
Are there people in your life who are difficult to love? Consider what that person needs and spend time in prayer over them. Ask yourself if you are speaking and showing love with your interactions with them.
Day 3: Jealous
Read 1 Corinthians 13: 4 again.
Read 1 Corinthians 3:2-3. In what ways are you living like sinful people of the world?
Read Exodus 20:17. What things do you covet?
Read Philippians 4:10-14. What is a piece of this message that Paul is encouraging you to consider?
Read Genesis 4:3-8, Genesis 37:11-28, and Matthew 27:18. What do these instances in the Bible of God’s people who overcame envy teach you?
Look up the definition of content. Consider your life, thoughts, and perspective - are you content with what you have, where you are in life, and your calling?
Create a list your blessings. Share with God what you are thankful for that He has provided for you. Consider your friend’s blessings, what are things you can celebrate with them?
Thank God for the blessings he has provided you and confess to any envious actions or thoughts you have been having.
Day 4: Boastful
Read 1 Corinthians 13: 4 again.
Read Psalm 49:5-9. What does this verse say leads to death?
Read Psalm 34:1-3. What should we boast in? What should our focus be on?
Read Philippians 3:1-4. What are things that you hold more important than Christ? Do you need to get rid of these things?
Our love for others should be practiced in humbleness and not be flaunted out of pride. What are examples you have see this boastful behavior in your life? What are ways you can show love without flaunting it?
Confess your prideful behavior to the Lord. Seek wisdom from him on how you can show better love to others.
Day 5: Pride
Read 1 Corinthians 13: 4 again.
Read 1 Corinthians 8:1-3. What strengthens the church? When we focus on God, what does he do in return?
Read Philippians 2:1-11. How can you work together? What should our view be of others? What does the verse how Christ viewed people?
Read John 13:12-17. What is Jesus’ example here?
Pride is a feeling that purely comes from sin. The Lord despises pridefulness yet our sin loves it. What areas of your life have you seen pride seep through?
What can you do to overcome your pride? How can you encourage modesty in your life so that the Lord shine bright?
Confess your prideful sins to the Lord. Seek redemption and healing from your pride.
Week Four.
Day 1: Rude
Read 1 Corinthians 13:5.
Read Numbers 12:1-3. What is the example that Moses displays to us?
Read 1 Peter 4:8-9. What is an action these verses encourage us to do?
Read 1 Peter 5:5-6. What are three things that you can pull from obeying this verse?
Write down ways that you can display acts of love without being rude: be courteous and kind, be gracious, and use good manners.
Confess to the Lord the times that you lacked humbleness. Reflect with Him when you might have shown rudeness instead of love.
Day 2: Selfless
Read 1 Corinthians 13:5.
Read 1 Corinthians 10:23-24. How can you be obedient to these verses today?
Read Acts 20:34-36. What are we to think about giving?
Read John 15:12-13. What is the best act of love we can demonstrate?
Read Romans 12:9-10. What should be our priority? Why would it be wrong to have ingenuine love for someone?
Read Philippians 2:2-4. What should our interests be?
Love is a selfless act, which is hard to achieve. What are ways that you have been selfish?
How do you need to set aside your selfishness to love others?
Think of ways that you can act selflessly, here are some examples: think of others first, give someone else first choice, and don’t be greedy and selfish.
Repent of your selfishness. Ask the Lord to overcome you with love and affection for others.
Day 3: Irritable
Read 1 Corinthians 13:5.
Read Matthew 5:21-22. What are the dangers of being angry?
Read Romans 15:1-2. Instead of being angry, what should we do instead?
Read James 1:19-21. What is our command here?
Love is not easily angered. What are consistent circumstances in your life that make you angry?
Godly love requires us to act calmly even when it's easiest to be angry. How can you begin to practice this in your life?
Is there someone you need ask for their forgiveness?
Repent of the anger in your life. Bring it to God and ask Him for wisdom as you seek forgiveness.
Day 4: Forgive
Read 1 Corinthians 13:5.
Read Galations 6:1-3. What is our calling regarding temptations?
Read Matthew 6:9-13. Is it hard or easy for you to forgive? What do you need to forgive? Who do you need to forgive? Do you believe that lack of forgiveness holds you back ?
Read John 8:11. What is the command that we have here? What do you think Jesus means? Is it that easy?
Loving other people means that we forgive. Continuously. Who do you need to forgive today?
If you are like me and had something happen in your life that it was hard to push through and forgive someone then I recommend you read, “The Freedom Factor: Finding Peace by Forgiving Others.” This book changed the way I live.
Give God your sin, seek His forgiveness. Tell Him about who you need to also forgive and walk with Him in forgiving.
Day 5:
Enjoy this sermon on 1 Corinthians 13. What does this sermon teach you about God? What is something you can add into your life this weekend?
Week Five.
Day 1: Delight
Read 1 Corinthians 13:6.
Read Matthew 5:27-30. What does the bible recommend when things in our life cause us to sin? Why do you think it is important us to remove sin?
Read Proverbs 11:13. Do you struggle with gossiping? How can you overcome this?
Read Galations 6:1-3. We are all in this together, let’s support each other. How can we be praying for you?
When we love, we leave behind delighting in evil. What might it look like for you to shut out all evil? Do you read books, watch TV, listen to songs that are inviting the devil into your bed?
Repent of the seeds of evil that have been planted in your heart. Seek God to overcome your sin.
Day 2: Rejoice
Read 1 Corinthians 13:6.
Read Philippians 1:15-19. What can you always rejoice in?
Read Isaiah 60:1-3. God’s glory rejoices when it shines on you. Are you allowing it to?
Read Ephesians 4:25. Do you fall victim of telling lies? I have a bad habit of enhancing my story to make it sound better. What ways do you enhance stories or tell lies? Is it for your own glory?
In opposition to evil, love rejoices in the truth. How do you spread the truth?
In order to speak the truth and show love, we must be in the Word. Do your actions show God’s love? Have you been obedient to your study?
Ask the Lord to transform your heart so that you would show the world His love.
Day 3:
Enjoy the sermon on the ultimate act of love, sharing the Good News. How can you be committed to the uncommitted this week? What needs to change in your life to show Christ?
Day 4: Protect
Read 1 Corinthians 13:6.
Read James 1:27. What does this verse say about who we are to love? How can you ensure the world does not corrupt you?
Read Proverbs 4:14-17. How do you keep the wicked out of your life?
Read 1 Peter 3:13-17. What does it mean to keep Christ as the Lord of your life? In what ways are you fighting temptation to keep Christ as your Lord?
Love always protects. Protect the people you love in every way you can. In the same way, protect your Lord. What does it look like to protect people and God? Do you believe God needs protection in our world?
Protect your heart toward him. What does it look like to protect your heart toward God?
Ask the Lord to protect your heart. Repent in ways you have not been obedient in protecting your heart.
Day 5: Trust
Read 1 Corinthians 13:6.
Read Isaiah 14:24. Does it provide reassurance to you that the Lord has planned your time on earth out for you?
Read Philippians 4:6-7. What are the worries of your mind? Have you seen God break down the worries of your mind before? Do you believe he can/will do it again?
Read Romans 8:28-29. What do the scriptures say about you? How do you live according to God’s plan?
Love always trusts. Consider relationships that you find it hard to trust.
If Godly love requires trust, in what ways are you falling short?
Pray about everything and trust that God will provide, and believe that all things work for His good. Pray about the worries of your mind and recognize God’s peace.
Week Six.
Day 1: Persevere
Read 1 Corinthians 13:7.
Read James 5:13-16. What does this passage say about your path to salvation?
Read Romans 8:31-32. Do you believe that God is for you? What does this say about your walk with God?
Read 1 Peter 4:7-11. What does God say is most important in this passage?
Love always perseveres. Relationships are hard, but we must persevere with the people we have committed to in love. I think about my friendship with women, these relationships are easier to give up on. Is there a hard relationship in your life that you are struggling to persevere through? What could you do this upcoming week to overcome the desire to give up? How can you push through for the sake of love?
Share with the Lord your relationships that are hard. Seek His counsel to overcome desires to give up on love.
Day 2: Hope
Read 1 Corinthians 13:7.
Read Ephesians 6:13-17. What is God’s armour? In what areas do you need to put hope in his armour?
Read Romans 5:9-11. What is our ultimate hope found in?
Read 1 John 3:1-3. Are you keeping yourself pure? What does that mean to you?
Love always hopes. Hope is such a beautiful thing and allows us to see the best situation even when we are in a mess. Keep hope by never giving up, remembering that God doesn’t give up on you, and always expect good things from God. How have you lacked hope recently?
Praise the Lord for providing you with hope. Thank Him for never giving up on you. Share with Him your desires and dreams.
Day 3: Enduring
Read 1 Corinthians 13:7.
Read John 15:9-17. How can you remain in Christ’s love? Why is it important?
Read John 13:34-35. How do you love others that proves to the world that you are God’s disciple?
Last of all, love never fails. This is the difference between God’s love and our love. God’s love never fails us. Think about your life, where have you seen God’s love never failing?
I think about the things that I have wanted but did not get. How might such examples in your love being God’s unfailing love?
Praise God for his unfailing love. Confess times you have been lacking unfailing love for others.
Day 4:
Read 1 Corinthians 13: 1-7.
Create a list of what you think love is and what love isn’t.
What are applications for your life? How can you show love?
Read 1 Corinthians 13: 8-13.
How does this permanency of love affect your life?
Spend time thanking God for His perfect love today.
Day 5:
Enjoy this sermon on love. What does this sermon teach you about God? What is something you can add into your life this weekend?
Week Seven.
Day 1: Read, Reflect & Pray
Read verse 8. What is the difference between spiritual gifts and love? How might this change their importance in your life? What will remain after spiritual gifts cease?
Day 2: Read, Reflect & Pray
Read verse 9. What does this verse reveal about our imperfectness?
Day 3: Read, Reflect & Pray
Read verse 10. What is the perfect time?
Day 4: Read, Reflect & Pray
Read verses 11 and 12. What two illustrations does Paul use to show the temporary nature of spiritual gifts?
Day 5: Read, Reflect & Pray
Read verse 13.
Read Hebrews 11:1-3. What is your definition of faith? How does your definition of faith match your lifestyle?
Read Romans 8:24-25. What can we wait for patiently and confidently?
I hope that you created a journal during this journey. Read through the journey. Make note of answered prayers, growth moments, etc.
Thank God for his crazy, unfailing love for you. What a gift we receive!
I hope you enjoyed this study on love. I pray that each day you strive for new connections to love more. The Lord loves like crazy. We are called to love the same way - it may be imperfect but it should be in love.
Furthermore, the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan was an incredibly helpful book as I ached to love more.