I was struggling with understanding why God picked me. Why did he choose to save me? I have been so disobedient. Why me? My friend pointed me to Romans to read to find meaning in why God choose me and why I was so important.
I hope you consider the overall message from Paul - turn to the cross when things are hard. As we go through Romans together, I am not going to go deep in historical or geographical context but what I want you to get out of it is the importance of faith, God’s mission, and community.
I do want to challenge you of three things as you move through Romans.
1. Pray that God would teach you throughout this book. Expect Him to speak to you and ask that He will.
2. Set aside time to spend with God and keep it. Know when and where you will study Romans each day. Maybe you study three times a week or five days a week. Whatever works in your schedule. God doesn’t love you more or less based on how often you choose to study Romans.
3. Let these questions guide you to think deeper but don’t let them be the stopping point of your thoughts. Allow yourself to go deep.
Paul was called an “apostle,” how is that different than a disciple?
Paul refers to himself as a “servant” of Christ. What does the word “servant” mean to you? What does it look like to be a servant of Christ?
Consider verse 5, what is our mission? How can you fulfill that mission? What does “believing obedience” look like in a Christian’s life?
Review verse 7, what is our calling?
What is the gospel or Good News Paul is writing about?
Why would the news about the faith of the Roman church spread far and wide?
Prayer: Lord I ask you to give us grace and peace as we find our mission for our lives. Thank you for sending Christ for us.
Are you a prayer warrior like Paul? What can we learn from Paul to be a prayer warrior?
How are you tempted to be ashamed of the good news?
Does your church reflect the racial barriers common in your community or does it transcend them? Explain.
In verse 17, Paul uses the words righteousness and justice. The biblical idea of God’s justice is that he make right all the wrongs in the world. How does good news about Jesus show God’s justice? How is righteousness attained?
How does Paul describe “The Gospel of Christ”?
Ever wonder what your spiritual gifts are? Take this test and find out!
Prayer: Lord I pray that you give us the opportunity to meet someone today or this week that needs your love. I pray you equip us to share the way Jesus would.
Read verses 18-23, can all of humankind know about God? What is the progression of ungodliness and injustice in these verses?
Consider verse 20, What are God’s invisible natures? How does God reveal His invisible nature to man?
What are examples of ways people try to be wise in the world but instead are foolish?
The words “God gave them up to” is repeated in verses 24, 26, and 28. What do you think Paul means by this phrasing?
How might an “unfit mind” lead to behaviors listed in this passage?
What are some of the ways that man has turned against God? What has God done as a result of their wickedness?
Prayer: Lord I ask that you would show us the areas in our life that we are living wickedly. I pray that you overcome our lives in a new way.
Consider verse 4, What are the three attributes of God that describe his richness?
What are examples of times God has been “kind, tolerant, and patient” with you?
What does Paul say will happen on the day of judgement?
What is the difference (if any) between those who sin under the law, and those who sin without the law?
How does verse 16 bring comfort in the midst of judgement?
How were the Jews blaspheming the name of God?
What are areas in your life that God is calling you into obedience but you are not being faithful?
Prayer: Lord I bring to you the sin areas of my life that are ungodly. I confess to … and I think you Lord for having a heart to forgive.
Look up the definition of entrust.
What is the significance of this term in these verses?
How can our unrighteousness demonstrate the righteousness of God?
What is emphasized about God in this passage?
How are you currently doing in your role as a light for others to see Christ?
What argument does Paul make to prove that we are all under sin?
What is the purpose of Paul quoting so much from the Old Testament?
Since the law could not justify, what purpose did it serve? Explain how it did this.
Did God give the law with the intent that it would be the means by which He would save men from sin?
Prayer: Lord I pray that the way I treat the people around me would display the message of the gospel. I also pray for the way I spend my time and money would be centered on you.
How does Paul say God shows faithfulness to the covenant in Romans 3:21-24?
What does God’s fulfillment of his covenant promises to Israel reveal about himself?
Reveiw verse 24, outlines what freedom is Jesus looks like. Have you experienced freedom in Jesus?
If the law doesn’t make us righteous, what purpose did it serve?
How did God demonstrate His righteousness to us?
These verses are a statement of faith. How can you take this passage and reframe it to your friends who are non believers?
Prayer: Lord I thank you for your act of mercy in the fulfillment of the law through Jesus Christ. I thank you for providing a way for those who have faith in Jesus to be members of the new covenant family. I ask that you would put one person on my heart who does not know your son, Jesus, and I ask for an opportunity to share this message in a relevant way.
To prepare Paul’s discussion in Chapter 4, summarize the events from Abraham’s life described in the following verses: Genesis 12:1-8, Genesis 13:3-4, Genesis 14:18-20, Genesis 15:1-6 and Genesis 22:15-18.
Paul quotes Psalm 32 in Romans 4:7-8. How do these verses compare to Romans 4:1-5 regarding the point of how God deals with sin?
In Romans 4:3 and 9, Paul quotes Genesis 15:6. What is the relevance about Abraham being circumcised in Romans 4:7-8?
What was the hope against all hope that Abraham believed in?
What good is it if someone keeps the law, but lacks faith? In the same way, what good is a moral man without faith?
Review verse 17, How does the knowledge that Abraham is the “father of many nations” and that you are a child of Abraham affect the way you view your faith and your relation to the Lord?
Check out to this Podcast on Pride.
Prayer: Lord I give to you the things that seem impossible but nothing is impossible for you. I pray for unity in my church and your churches in our world. I pray that we would work toward your mission, together. Amen.
What is the definition of faith? What is the definition of deeds?
What is “dead faith”? What is “useless faith”?
What does faith do?
Consider what you read yesterday in Romans 4. We know that our faith without follow through is insignificant. What is the difference between faith without work and faith with work?
How did Abraham and Rahab show they had faith?
Prayer: Lord, I ask that you help me to have more faith in you. Amen.
Consider verses 1 and 2, how does Paul describe peace with God?
Consider verses 3 and 4, what can we rejoice about?
How has Jesus given us access to God?
How can suffering work for our good?
How did God demonstrate His love to us?
How is the work of one man, Jesus, far above the effect that Adam had from sin?
What is the definition of justification?
How did death enter the world?
For what purpose was the law introduced? Who was it supposed to point the person to?
How do verses 18-21 contradict the view of humanity that society holds today?
Prayer: Lord I pray that my community would see that you are on the throne. I pray that you would point me to the one that needs to hear that you are Lord of all.
How does Paul answer the question he set for us in Romans 6:1?
What is the difference between being tempted, and letting sin reign over your body and mind?
What is a servant or slave of sin? What is a servant or slave of righteousness?
Based on what you read yesterday in Romans 6, where do you see the echoes of Exodus 6:1-13 in Romans 6?
Prayer: Lord, I ask you make known to me who I allow to rule as the master of my life. I pray for freedom from the wrong master and strength to live in the true identity of Christ. Amen.
Paul tells us that the law is a problem in Israel, rather than the solution. How can that be?
What is the point of Paul’s message on marriage?
What sets us free from the law of sin and death?
Paul writes, “I had not known sin except through the law.” Give a few examples of the way the Ten Commandments has made us aware of our sin.
There is a sense of helpless in Paul’s writing. What advice would you give a new Christian who felt this way?
Paul sums up this chapter by dividing the mind from the flesh. What does he say about each?
How is Jesus the solution to the problem Paul describes?
Prayer: Lord, I praise you for choosing me. Your act of mercy upon my life is incomprehensible.
What are four ways we can strengthen our walk and prepare ourselves for temptation?
What does hidden the word in your heart mean to you?
How can you practically live out the Word?
Are you fulling submitting your life to Christ?
How can you flee from the devil?
How do these passages convict you of things that need to change in your life to glorify God?
Prayer: Lord teach me to walk in your ways and avoid temptation. Amen.
What statements thus far have indicated the seriousness of sin and reality of God’s judgement?
What is the definition of condemnation?
What does Paul mean in verse one when he says those who are “in” Christ Jesus?
What is the meaning of Jesus’ sacrifice?
What has set us free from the law of sin and death?
How can one tell the difference between someone who is concerned with the flesh and one who is concerned with the Spirit?
Paul says that the law was “weak through the flesh.” What does that mean?
Consider verses 5-11, How are God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit seen in these verses?
What are the privileges of being led by the Spirit?
Prayer: Lord, my thanks and praise are not equal to what your son did on the cross for me. My debt was paid that day.
In this text, creation plays a key role in Paul’s words. Describe all of the things that creation is doing in these verses.
Consider verse 18, what is the glory that will be revealed to us?
The word groaning is used several times in this chapter. Who is it referring to and why?
Reveiw verse 27, Paul implies a search for hearts. Why are heart being searched for? This should allude a powerful message to you, why?
How are believers more than conquerors?
How does the Holy Spirit help us in our ‘weaknesses’, especially in our prayer life?
What 5 key words describe God’s purposes for the believer?
Prayer: Lord, I bring to you today in full the areas I’m suffering.
What was the source of Paul’s sorrow?
Verse 4 and 5 sum up many of the blessings that were handed to the Israelites. Can you list them?
How does God choose His people? What are His choices dependent upon?
What is Paul’s answer to those who question or disagree with God’s sovereign choice?
What is the stumbling stone that Paul is talking about at the end of the chapter?
In what 3 ways was the Israelites zeal misplaced?
Prayer: Lord, thank you for choosing me in my deep sin. I know that there will be many more stumbling blocks as I seek you and I pray that together we can get through them. Amen.
What is the difference between righteousness by the law and righteousness by faith?
Some might think that the law was God’s plan A and Jesus was plan B. Explain why this is false.
What does it mean to submit to God’s righteousness?
What must we do to be saved?
How does the Word of God work to increase one’s faith?
What is the difference between believing in Jesus and having faith in Jesus?
Prayer: Lord I pray you send me to announce the gospel to the lost. I pray that the gospel would burst into their lives and they would respond with trusting in your undeniable lordship. I pray that their mouths would reflect their hearts and their hearts would be saved.
Consider verse 16, Paul references the story of Elijah. How are Paul and Elijah similar?
How might jealousy as described in verses 11-15, actually draw Jews to Christ?
Paul tells us to pay attention to two things in verse 22. Why are each of these important?
A remnant of Israel was chosen by God to partake in His grace. What did the others receive?
What is Paul’s warning in verses 16-24?
Prayer: Lord I praise you for your never ending mercy and grace through Jesus Christ.
In Chapter 4 of Romans we learned about Pride. What do verses 1-2 in Chapter 12 tell us about who we are living for? How does that change our pride?
What is the transformation that God provides us that Paul is talking about in verse 2?
In verses 3-5, Paul describes how we can be unified, what is your part with your community?
How do you use the gifts God gave you?
What does verse 8 teach us about using our gifts?
Do you think it can be hard to fulfil the gifts God gave us? How so?
What are the commands we find in verse 9-21?
What does Paul say we are to do about evil?
In Romans 12, Paul begins with teaching about the church and moves to the Christians. What should our response be as we live out this text?
Prayer: Lord, thank you for uniquely giving me gifts to use. I ask that you teach me to use these gifts for you glory. Amen.
What does the role of government have for Christians?
What are the three things that Paul is teaching in this passage about authority.
In this passage, Paul urges us to respect authority. How does 1 Timothy 2:1-3 enforce this command?
What if the law of the land contradicts God? See Acts 4:18-20 and Acts 5:27-29 for clarity.
How can paying taxes be an act of worship?
How does love fulfill the law?
Who shows the greatest love of all? How can He be our example of love?
What dark deeds do you need to remove from your life?
Paul provides a solution for sinners in verse 14 when he states “clothe yourselves with the presence of Lord Jesus Christ.” How are we to do this?
Prayer: Lord, I pray over those that you have put in authority. May you give them wisdom as they rule over our nation. Amen.
In verse 1, Paul says that some believers are weak in their faith. What are some reasons a believer might be weak in their faith?
What is the difference between rebellion against God and being weak in the faith?
What does this chapter teach us about judging others regarding the unimportant things?
What are examples of things that create barriers because sin causes us to judge others over unimportant things?
What is the point of verses 7-9?
What is the difference between ‘judging un-righteously’ and ‘speaking the truth in love’?
As a believer, we have the freedom to eat and drink in a way that is pleasing to God. How might this freedom become a stumbling block to others?
Prayer: Lord, I ask that you remove the barriers in my that are causing sin. Amen.
What is the difference between being accepting of sin and bearing with someone’s failures?
We live in a self-centered world in which we’re constantly fed the idea that we’re number one, and should put ourselves first. Can you think of any examples of this in your life?
What two words does Paul use to describe God in verse 5?
What is the purpose of unity in Christ?
What do the Old Testament verses in 7-13 have in common?
What does this passage reveal about God’s purpose for the world?
What is Paul’s special calling and vocation? How do your calling and vocation align?
Prayer: Lord, I pray that you would teach me to only live for you and no longer any fear that I have in pleasing others. Amen.
Who does Paul warn the Romans to watch out for and keep away from?
How were they deceiving people?
In what area did Paul want the Romans to exercise wisdom? See verse 19.
How can we use Paul’s teaching in this passage to discern false teaching in the church?
Prayer: Lord, would you provide wisdom in my life so that I no longer fall into false teaching. Amen.