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Life Without Lack

Writer's picture: Miranda CookMiranda Cook

In this new season of life, I feel God calling upon my heart to be intentional about planning time to spend with Him. I recently listened to a podcast by Matt Chandler that initially got me engaged in this idea of planning time with God. A few weeks after listening to this podcast, I felt God tugging this idea more and more on my heart.

The current church I have been attending has been reading "Life Without Lack" by Dallas Willard this summer. To wrap up our sermon series on Psalm 23, we learned how to be with God daily.

As this final sermon was preached, I felt God calling upon my heart that this is the next step I was supposed to take as I draw closer to Him. I think we all have had seasons of high and seasons of low as we go through life and walk with God.

I commited my life to Christ four years ago. At first I thought I was supposed to read my bible every day and that would cut it. That was my relationship with Christ. As I learn more and seek more, I know that is not true. I need God all the time and I need the Spirit to lead me at every moment.

But how do we practically do that? First of all, prayer. That is the best way to chat with God throughout the day. He desires to hear our accomplishments, failures, complaints, victories, worries, concerns, and more. He loves it! He gushes over it when we just simply chat with him.

But I know myself. I won't follow through with God or talk to him unless I have a plan. He deserves a plan. Though my plan does not measure up what Jesus did for me, it is still necessary. These plans can be broken down to day, week, month and year. From day-to-day, I have some very practical steps as a guide listed below.

As we think of the longer stretches of time (week, month and year), consider how you are resting in God. Are you taking Sabbath and taking it serously? Do you take a whole day out of each week to Sabbath? Do you take time out of your month to reflect? Do you vacation yearly to reflect with God? I currently fail in these areas (especially monthly and yearly) but baby steps.

Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy. Exodus 20: 8

Practical Steps as we Learn to be with God

In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.​ Psalm 5:3

First thing in the morning, get in the Word. Just 5-10 minutes can go a very long way. You might be able to give more time to God but if not, just spend a few minutes in His word. You can do this through Praise, Petition, and Planning.

  • Praise - Thank God for the day and give it to him.

  • Petition - Cast all your cares upon Him. Spend time in prayer about your day, yourself, those you care about, and tell Him what you are anxious about today. Present each part of your day to Him.

  • Planning - Make a plan to keep God with you today. Schedule your next session with God.

2. Keep God with you thorugh the day

You have planned for ways to keep God with you throughout the day. Practical ways to do this could be in the car, on your walk into work, over lunch, from appointment to appointment, etc.

  • For me, I talk to God on my way to work in the car and as I walk into work.

  • One area I want to work on is between student appointments to pray over students and ask the Holy Spirit to move.

  • Over lunch, I share with God about my day.

  • As I go home, I talk to God about my day. Maybe I complain or I come in thanksgiving. I try to leave everything in the car as I reach my home and want to have a good evening.

  • Finally, my last appointment is prayer before bed.

I hope to add time with God as I continue to practice planning with Him.

3. Watch as the day unflods

Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them. John 7:38

As we schedule and spend more time with God, we should begin to see our lives in the Kingdom's perspective. We will spend our days with Christ and the gap will close about what we hear about God and what we experience. The God we know that cherishes us, we will see it lived out.

We should find that the things we think we need aren't what we need. We will love people in a unique way. We will be like Jesus.

5. The day concludes

For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, 12 and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. Colossians 1:9-12

6. Discipline of examen

This discipline is a way to examine our days. By recounting our day we can cleanse ourselves and better prepare for the next day. Keep a journal near your bed with these actions steps as you examin your day.

  • Recount your day: What did you feel? What were your successes? What were your failures?

  • Thanksgiving: Thank God for the day He gave you and specific moments of thanksgiving.

  • Rejoice in blessing: What blessings did God give you?

  • Confession: Confess failures and shortcomings of your day. What areas of sin occured today?

  • Seek forgiveness: Make amends with people. Maybe text, call, or make an appointment to seek forgiveness. Ask God for forgiveness as well.

  • Give your day back to God and give him tomorrow.

7. Rest in faith

He makes me lie down in green pastures. Psalm 23:2a

Sleep! Do you sleep enough? If not, why? Are you making yourself too busy?

Sleep is an act of faith. God wll take care of the world while you sleep.

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